Friday, January 22, 2016

Good to Know: I Remember How to Ski

With exactly three weeks to go before I arrive in Crested Butte, I thought it would be wise to see if I even remember how to ski. Sitting on my couch in Cincinnati, I seriously doubted it, and my ravaged knees redoubled that doubt. So, last night, I went out to the hills of Indiana to find out if I should even bother with lift tickets in Colorado. Luckily, even after a three year break from the slopes, I still could make it down 400 vertical feet without falling or stopping.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Not Butte, But Beautiful

So, this video is from the opposite side of Colorado than Crested Butte, but I'm sharing it here for two reasons: 1. Because my friend and colleague, Jerry, is taking a long weekend back country skiing with Steamboat Powdercats (I would never speak to him, again, if I weren't heading to Crusty Butt in a month),

... and 2: It features my favorite track from the very first album I bought with my own allowance:  Van Halen: Women and Children First.

Still trying to get the old legs and lungs in shape. It's a work in progress. I feel a difference, even if the scale doesn't.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

This is More Like It.....

The teenager inside of me hates to say it, but the "Groomer" video (read: flat and manicured) is likely more my speed. Except the star is a former Olympian, and is still going REALLY FAST!

Wendy's Favorite Runs: Groomers from Crested Butte on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hard Work, and Recognizing Limits

I've recruited my daughter, Riley, in my pre-Butte fitness endeavor. She's a strong 15-year-old kid, and between spinning, rounds on the heavy bag, plank contests, and her Erg. challenges, she and I are doing just about all we can to get my fat old self ready for the terrain at Crested Butte.

That said, um, no:

Shredding the February 8th Storm from Crested Butte on Vimeo.